Wise Carter Child & Caraway PA
- PO Box 651
Jackson, MS 39205 (601) 968-5500
(601) 968-5593

Firm Profile
Wise Carter Child & Caraway, P.A. is a Mississippi law firm with local, regional, and national experience. With an expansive range of practice areas and a large team of talented attorneys practicing in three offices across the state, Wise Carter offers legal solutions for a wide array of corporate, litigation, regulatory, administrative, and governmental matters. Wise Carter is committed to using its vast experience, knowledge, and resources to ensure innovative, efficient, and effective outcomes that best serve the needs of its clients.
Broad Range of Experience
The number one desire of clients in an attorney is someone who is well versed in their particular industry or business sector. Wise Carter’s sizable staff of knowledgeable attorneys allows us to give clients the efficient and experienced legal assistance they desire.
Practice Areas
Our firm's long-standing reputation for excellence and our deep well of resources allow us to provide legal services for any case or matter that impacts our state and its many communities.
· Healthcare
· Transportation
· Utilities & Entergy
· Litigation
· Government & Public Policy
· Banking & Finance
· Labor & Employment
· Workers’ Compensation
· Indian Law
· Gaming
· Business & Corporate Law
· Property Law
· Family Law
· Estate & Taxation
Team Driven and Client-Centered
Wise Carter’s team approach allows us to craft a team with attorneys from the specific practice areas necessary to reach successful results for our clients. All team members are involved in every facet of the complex issues impacting our clients.
Multiple Locations
The attorneys of Wise Carter practice law throughout the state of Mississippi. With offices in Jackson, the Gulf Coast, and Hattiesburg, the firm is well positioned to do business in any part of the state. Our principal office in Jackson is within walking distance of state and federal courts and other administrative agencies.
Mississippi’s Comprehensive Health Care Law Firm
Physicians, hospitals and medical facilities across Mississippi have put their trust in the healthcare legal services of Wise Carter law firm since the 1960s. Our experience and expertise give our clients confidence that their healthcare legal matters are handled properly and effectively, and that confidence is continuously nurtured and reinforced by solid service and timely response to clients’ needs.
Wise Carter has been in business as a comprehensive law practice since the 1880s, the need for expanded healthcare representation came to the forefront in the late 1960s and early 1970s as Medicare and later fraud and abuse laws and other regulatory and legal issues emerged.
Wise Carter represents hospitals, nursing homes, managed care organizations, ambulatory surgery centers, rural health clinics, home health agencies and psychiatric residential treatment facilities throughout Mississippi from offices in Jackson, Hattiesburg and the Gulf Coast.
Many distinct areas of expert healthcare legal services are provided on a regular basis such as:
· Structure and advice for transactions that require in-depth knowledge of federal laws such as Stark, anti-kickback, EMTALA, reimbursement regulations and HIPAA.
· Medical malpractice defense of hospitals, physicians and other providers
· Medical staff issues such as disciplinary actions and drafting bylaws
· Certificate of need and licensure issues
· Compliance programs
· Reimbursement disputes including Medicaid and Medicare
· Legislative and government relations issues
· General corporate and board representation
Wise Carter also serves the healthcare community by presenting informative seminars covering critical changes and new developments in the volatile, politically-charged healthcare law arena.
In today’s world, changes in healthcare are inevitable, but the support and skill that Wise Carter provides are timeless. Built on more than 40 years of healthcare success, our clients can have the confidence that they will be treated with personalized service, attention to detail, and exceptional care, advocacy and counsel.