Westport Linen Services
- Eddie Lefeaux
- 510 Kornmeyer Plaza Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225) 218-8878
(225) 218-8885
Westport Linen Services is a commercial laundry working exclusively in the healthcare sector to provide customers with quality rental linen. Our dedication, reliability, and service aims to create successful partnerships with every hospitals and clinics that we service-- available for concerns, provide education, and bring awareness and action to opportunities aimed in cost savings. Each of our teams is comprised of hospitable, dedicated, community members anxious to serve their region’s premier health groups at a level of service unparalleled to any remote competitor.
Westport Linen Services has grown to include 4 strategically placed plants in order to best serve your healthcare system. We proudly partner with healthcare facilities in the gulf state region, including Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.
We are an active member of the Medtegrity Group, that is a national supplier for large and small networks.
- Laundry